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Perkin Elmer Ultraview ERS Confocal system

MODEL Ultraview ERS Confocal system

Wolfson BioImaging Facility

AVAILABILITY 24/7 after training
RESTRICTIONS Lasers class 3b, full training required
TRAINING Training is required to use this item and we can arrange this if needed.
CONTACT 1 Mark Jepson
CONTACT 2 Alan Leard/Katy Jepson
Enquire about this item
SITE Main Campus


Fast live cell imaging confocal (Perkin Elmer spinning disk system). Equipped with 5 lasers (6 lines): Ar (488, 514 nm lines), Kr (568 nm), 2 blue diodes (405, 440nm) and red diode (640 nm). Hamamatsu EMCCD camera. Photokinesis system for photobleaching. Rapid switching between excitation/emission wavelengths. Piezo focus drive for rapid acquisition of image stacks. The system is attached to a Leica DMI6000 inverted microscope with a Solent incubator and is controlled by Volocity software.


Additional microscope (£20k)

Potential Future Upgrades

£20k improved camera (Hamamatsu)

Item ID #1686.

Last Updated: 9th June, 2015

Perkin Elmer Ultraview ERS Confocal system

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